
All sessions will be held at the Neubauer Collegium, 5701 S Woodlawn Ave.

Friday, January 13th

10:00 Introductory Remarks: David Wellbery (Chicago)

10:15-12:15 Richard Neer (Chicago): "Wonders Taken for Signs"
Moderator: Sarah Nooter (Chicago)

12:15 Lunch Break

2:00-4:00 Rachel Zuckert (Northwestern): "Adaptive Naturalism in Herder's Aesthetics"
Moderator: Matt Boyle (Chicago)

4:00 Coffee Break

4:30-6:30 Julia Peters (Tübingen): "Hegel's Notion of Spirit and the Indispensability of Art"
Moderator: James Conant (Chicago)

Saturday, January 14th 

10:15-12:15 Toril Moi (Duke): "Rethinking Literary History"
Moderator: Eric Santner (Chicago)

12:15 Lunch Break

2:00-4:00 Sebastian Gardner (UC London): "Artistic Form and Post-Kantian Formalism"
Moderator: Robert Pippin (Chicago)

4:00 Coffee Break

4:30-6:30 Andrea Kern (Leipzig): "The World of Art"
Moderator: Gabriel Lear (Chicago)

Sunday, January 15th 

9:30-11:30 Leo Lisi (Johns Hopkins): "Tragic Form in Ibsen"
Moderator: Florian Klinger (Chicago)

11:30 Lunch Break

1:30-3:30 Christian Martin (LMU): "Poetry as a Form of Knowledge"
Moderator: Matthias Haase (Chicago)

3:30 Coffee Break

4:00-6:00 Daniel Morgan (Chicago): "The Lure of the Image"
Moderator: Tom Gunning (Chicago)

6:00-6:30 Concluding Remarks: Robert Pippin (Chicago)
6:30-7:30 Reception